Legal Notice
This site is published by the company Ultimate Fishing.
Head Office: Ultimate Fishing, Route de Bangor, 56360 Le Palais
Share Capital: 1,400,000 euros
Phone: +33 (0)
Editor-in-Chief: Ultimate Fishing, Route de Bangor, 56360 Le Palais
Creation: Netapsys, 11 Rue de la Haye - European Business Area, 67300 Schiltigheim
Application Development: ATI4 Group - 3 Allée d'Helsinki, 67300 Schiltigheim
Hosting: Fasteo SASU, 561 ZA Errobi - Alzuyeta, 64250 ITXASSOU, France
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In accordance with the French Data Protection Act "Informatique et Libertés" No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, correct, and object to the use of your personal data. To exercise this right, send a written request to the following address:
Ultimate Fishing, Route de Bangor, 56360 Le Palais, France
All content on this website, including the domain name, trademarks, logo, text, and more, is the property of Ultimate Fishing and is protected under French intellectual property law.
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Liability Limitation
Ultimate Fishing strives to provide regularly updated information, particularly regarding news and article content. However, errors or omissions may occur due to input or layout mistakes. If you notice such issues, please inform us so we can correct them.
We also reserve the right to modify the information or any commercial offers featured on this site during updates, without prior notice.
Hyperlinks on this website to other websites or personal pages do not imply any responsibility on the part of Ultimate Fishing. Similarly, Ultimate Fishing cannot be held responsible for websites that link to this site and disclaims all liability for their content and usage.